Belly Laugh Totally Terrific Tongue Twisters for Kids: 350 Terribly Tangled Tongue Twisters!

Sky Pony Press · Sky Pony Pr

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One-one was a racehorse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too. How much wood would a groundhog chuck if a groundhog could chuck wood? The instinct of an extinct insect stinks! Belly Laugh Totally Terrific Tongue Twisters for Kids is full of hilarious tongue-twisting fun! From snappy one-liners to hilarious stories and jokes, this collection is complemented by sidesplitting line drawings and an uproarious tongue-tied babbling sound-effect button. Perfect for rainy spring days, long car rides to visit relatives, and get-togethers with friends, this book is sure to bring silly laughter and comical wordplay fun into your home.

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