Epifania: Un Regalo De Los Reyes Magos (New Edition)

Cruz, Francisco Soto · Westwood Books Publishing

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A lo largo de mi vida, la tradicion de la celebracion de los REYES MAGOS ha sido bien importante en mi familia por razones que veran a traves de la lectura del libro. Tanto religiosa como culturalmente, en mi casa siempre se ha celebrado el dia de la EPIFANIA. Somos devotos de los Tres SANTOS REYES. Tradicion que se ha llevado de generacion en generacion por toda la familia Soto y Cruz. Este relato es magico y especial, refleja la historia de los REYES MAGOS, mis anecdotas, cuentos y costumbres que me conto mi abuelo. Encontraras la historia de los REYES MAGOS y la forma tan maravillosa de como los REYES han dejado huellas en mi familia. Un relato para contar a cualquier edad, en cualquier hogar donde se celebre la EPIFANIA.Throughout my life, the tradition of the celebration of the Magi has been very important in my family for reasons that you will see through reading the book. Both religious and culturally, in my house, the day of the EPIPHANY was always held. We are devotees of The Magi. Tradition that has been taken from generation to generation throughout the Soto and Cruz family. This story is magical and special it reflects the history of THE MAGI, my anecdotes, stories and traditions that my grandfather told me. You will find the history of THE MAGI and the wonderful way of how the KINGS have left traces in my family. A story to tell at any age, in any home where EPIPHANY is celebrated.2023 GOLD MEDAL RECOGNITION - AIPEH.ORGwww.FfrancoSCbooks.com

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