Trazos de Placer (Trilogía del Placer 1) (Ficción)

Elena Montagud · Grijalbo

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A sus veintiocho años, Melissa trabaja como correctora en una revista y sueña con ser escritora y con encontrar el amor deinitivo, pasional y sincero que ha deseado siempre. el problema surge cuando en su vida aparecen dos hombres distintos aunque igualmente irresistibles: Aarón, un pintor que sabe disfrutar de los placeres de la vida, y Héctor, su jefe, arrogante y seguro de sí mismo, a la vez que un amante difícil de olvidar. Y para colmo, el recuerdo de Germán, su ex, aquel con quien estuvo a punto de subir al altar, se empeña en regresar en los peores momentos para confundirla aún más... ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The newest, most sensual trilogy of the season has arrived. Accompany Melissa on this torrid journey in search of love. With the "Trilogy of Pleasure," you will dream again! Do you want to enjoy the songs that thrill Melissa, the protagonist of Lines of Pleasure? At the end of this eBook, you will find a link to the sound track that accompanies this sensual story of love and passion. Melissa was convinced that Germán was going to be the love of her life, but he left her shortly before the wedding. Melissa believes that Aarón is a sexy bohemian painter who flees from commitment, but she's determined to hook up with him. Melissa sees Héctor, her boss at the publishing house, as one of the most attractive men she's ever met, but something about him scares her and attracts her at the same time. Deep down, Melissa knows that she is looking for true love. But she wants to take her time before deciding. Her heart has been broken once; twice would be too much. Now is the moment to savor some pleasure. A modern story about women who are searching for love and men who say they only want sex. As real and intense as life itself...

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