When is a Gangster Government a Gangster Government? Democrats Versus Trump and Republicans (en Inglés)

Dr. Frederick Michael Monderson · Sumon Publishers

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A “Gangster Government” is a “Gangster Government!” Today Republicans are conflicted whether to honor their “Oath to the Constitution” or ignore Donald Trump trampling on this sacred document. Squeezing Republicans like chewing gum beneath his shoe, most remain fearful the President could crush their re-election chances. However, ignoring the President’s many misdeeds simply to be re-elected, in Biblical fashion asks, ‘What does it profit a man if he gains riches but loses his soul or good name?’ Ironically and without question, Impeachment has tied a ‘tin can” around Mr. Trump’s ankle that will rattle down through time. In retribution, all who stood silent in face of his arrogance and awesome conduct will similarly be chastised in historical scrutiny going forward. In 2012 Representative Michele Bachmann accused then President Barack Obama of “running a Gangster government” in Washington, DC. Today President Donald Trump’s behavior and actions can be equated with “running a Gangster Government;” yet Ms. Bachmann and Republicans have refused to speak or act against this travesty. While defending Mr. Trump’s yet ignoring the fact, his hand-picked “Best People” and associates are embroiled in scandalous resignations, judicial indictments and convictions, some even serving time in prison; nit ti discount Mr. Trump’s more than 15,000 glaring lies and misstatements, sadly the added Impeachment has significantly stained the sacred “Office of the Presidency.” Meanwhile, all such behaviors fly in face of Edmund Burke’s dictum, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to say nothing!” Yet, whether in government or his base, all remain silent in face of his outrageous behavior. Nevertheless, it’s generally agreed, Mr. Trump, as a “businessman and political novice,” was sent to “Shake up Washington” and “Drain the Swamp.” Turns out, the nation is now a victim at home and abroad as the Constitution suffers from “Shaking Baby Syndrome.” “The Swamp,” has gotten deeper, more extensive and complex, evidenced in the “Obstruction of Congress Impeachment" article; Russians at home in the Oval Office; Trump rejecting the Intel Community’s findings of Russian political interference in the 2016 election; Trump praises unscrupulous dictators while attacking and demeaning law-abiding Americans; his falsely parroting Russian talking points of Ukraine not Russian interference; and while the Justice Department recently declared his “lock her up” mantra regarding Hillary Clinton is false as did his “Obama wired my office,” he continues to feed such falsity to his base. Mr. Trump’s ongoing attacks on the nation’s sacred institutions undermines the idea of American democracy and will require significant future work to correct the damage. In contradiction, and regarding the Iran debacle, he is now faced with accepting the Intel Community’s findings after he earlier destroyed their credibility before the American nation and the world. While the Administration’s “Best People” remain mired in illegality and disgrace, Mr. Trump yet continue to tout his “perfect” phone call but refuses to let Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani and others testify despite the questionable belief they can exonerate him. Reality is, the American Presidency has descended into the dumps, to wit, one Commentator indicated President Trump is “raising snakes in the White House!” Some Table of Contents' 50 Selections include “Myth of the Republican Cave,” “A Woman of Power not Straw,” “A Consequential Election,” “Arrogance of the Strongman,” “Who Lost America - Republicans?”, “American Leaders Abroad,” and “Obama Cares.” “How the Snake Lost its Tail” “Coup Versus Conspiracy,” “Demonizing Women,” “Jettisoning Truth Tellers” and “Rip Van Winkle in Red Outfit,” as well as “The Crux of the Problem,” all speak volumes. Therefore, according to Leon Panetta, “We are in a Constitutional Crisis!" fredsegypt.com@fredsegypt.com;sumonpublishers.com@sumonpublishers.com

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